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Name Strength Manufacturer Size Price Quantity Total Price Total Saving**

Menopur (75iu)

75iu Ferring 10 Vials
$ 0

* The FDA allows the importation of up to three months supply for personal use. A valid prescription is required to buy Menopur online.

** Total Savings based on information from GoodRx.com

Menopur Description

Menopur is supplied in a vial together with solution for mixing and injection. Our price for Menopur is +80% cheaper per vial than many US pharmacies. 
Menopur is a highly purified preparation of naturally derived gonadotropins, called hMG. It contains equal amounts of two kinds of hormonal activity: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which helps stimulate egg production, and luteinizing hormone (LH), which helps the eggs mature and release. Menopur helps stimulate eggs to mature in women whose ovaries are basically healthy but are unable to develop eggs. It is not used for women who suffer from ovarian failure.
The medication is usually used together with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and is indicated for the development of multiple follicles and pregnancy in women participating in an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) program. In addition, Menopur can also be used to stimulate the production of sperm in men who have functioning testes but in whom hormonal stimulation is deficient.

Menopur - What's Included

The Menopur price quoted is for the entire box, as packaged by the manufacturer (generally in boxes of 10 x 75iu vials). We do not sell individual vials or sell partial boxes. 
Each box contains 10 vials of Menopur and 10 vial of solvent (Sodium Chloride).
**The manufacturer does not include needles or syringes for injection. These are available at any US pharmacy.

The Difference Between US and European Menopur

Menopur supplied by IVFPharmacy is made by Ferring Pharmaceuticals. It is a brand medication, not generic (such as Meriofert).
The drug composition is exactly the same as Menopur in the US but the packaging may vary slightly. Here’s how:
US packaging:
Menopur is available for purchase as individual vials. 
Menopur is supplied with Q caps which make it easier to mix the medication with the diluent. The US is the only country to use Q caps. Everyone else manages without them. 
European packaging:
Menopur is generally supplied in boxes of 10 vials.  Individual vials are not available for purchase. The biggest difference of course is in the Menopur price! One box of 10 vials is often cheaper than three individual Menopur vials purchased at US pharmacies. In fact, for almost 20 years, IVFPharmacy has offered the best price per vial for Menopur available anywhere. 
Please Note: The diluent provided with the medication is supplied in glass vials with snap-off tops. Instructions explaining how to open these glass vials are included in the drug information leaflet. We also provide an explanatory video below. 

Menopur Uses and Side Effects

Menopur Uses & Indications:

HMG helps treat fertility problems. Menopur is a medication containing follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) needed for healthy ovaries to produce eggs. Menopur is normally used in combination with an HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin-hCG) drug. It helps women who are trying to conceive but are having fertility issues by bringing about the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation).

Menopur Side Effects:

Common Menopur side effects include: Headache, mild stomach pain/bloating, redness/pain at the injection site, breast tenderness, or dizziness.
Serious Menopur side effects that require medical attention include: Flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, joint pain, muscle ache and tiredness, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, sudden vision changes, sudden severe headache, pain/swelling of the calf muscles, chest pain, shortness of breath or signs of OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome).  

Symptoms of OHSS to watch out for include: Severe pain/swelling in the lower abdominal (pelvic) area, nausea/vomiting, sudden/rapid weight gain and change in the amount of urine.

Disclaimer: information taken from webMD.com

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